
What is Sorghum Millet? Its Uses and Benefits

What is Sorghum Millet? Its Uses and Benefits

Sorghum millet, also known as Jowar is a highly nutritious Indian grain, that is now being rediscovered in the present time as a brilliant source of protein, calcium, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals. It is a nutritional powerhouse that is also uniquely versatile, which gives it a prominent place among other millets. There are numerous sorghum flour benefits, such as providing a great supply of fibre, and antioxidants, and helping you achieve proper blood levels, better digestion and even supporting your heart, all while being gluten-free. 

In this blog, we at Organic Zing, are here to tell you about the goodness of Sorghum Millet, its uses and benefits. 

Let’s Begin!

What is Sorghum Millet?

Before anything else, let’s learn what exactly sorghum millet is. 

Scientifically known as Sorghum bicolor, is a gluten-free drought-resistant cereal grain which has roots in Africa and parts of Asia. It is the fifth most produced crop and a staple food in many cultures. Sorghum is called the ‘King of Millets’ and it is not without reason due to its exceptional adaptability, sustainability that always kept it prominent. 

Nutritional Profile of Sorghum Millet

Sorghum millet is called a nutritious powerhouse for a reason. 

Here is what it is packed with:

  1. Dietary Fiber: This provides support in improving digestive health and boosting weight loss.
  2. Proteins: Provide you with a plant-based protein source for muscle growth and repair. 
  3. Vitamins and Minerals: Highly nutritious, having iron, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins.
  4. Antioxidants: The phenolic compounds help in combating oxidative stress.

Sorghum Millet Nutrition Breakdown -  in 100 g 

  • Calories: 328
  • Protein: 11 grams
  • Fat: 4 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 73 grams
  • Fiber: 8 grams

Here are the micronutrients present in Sorghum millet: 

  • vitamin B1 (thiamin)
  • vitamin B6
  • copper
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • selenium
  • zinc

Uses of Sorghum Millet

Jowar has incredible versatility, and here are some of the ways you can utilize the ‘King of Millets’:  

As a Whole Grain

You can use sorghum as a whole grain, making it a base for salad or side dishes. It can be made like rice or quinoa, and its nutty flavor, as well as chewy texture, make it a true nutritious alternative to both rice and quinoa. 

Flour for Baking

Being gluten-free, sorghum flour can be used to make bread, muffins, cookies, truffles and other baked food. The addition of its mild, sweet flavor gives a unique nutritious boost to recipes.  

In Beverages

Sorghum is highly versatile, and it is proven again as it is often fermented into making traditional African drinks. It is either used to create Sorghum beer, or as a base for non-alcoholic beverages. 

Puffed Snacks

You can even enjoy Sorghum as a healthy, crunchy snack.

As Animal Feed

Sorghum is not just beneficial to us, but also to animals. It is known to be used for feed grain for livestock animals. It has a high level of nutrients, and high energy content. 

Read More: Cook Yummy Snacks with Organic Sorghum Flour

Benefits of Sorghum Millet

Now, let’s look at the incredible sorghum millet benefits that make its addition into your diet more than worthwhile: 

Improves Digestion

Sorghum has high fiber content, and it can effectively improve gut health, by promoting healthy digestion. 

Boosts Heart Health

As it is high in magnesium and potassium, jowar is adept at regulating blood pressure and your heart’s health. 

Supports Weight Management

Sorghum keeps you feeling full for longer, helping to control appetite and manage weight. Comparatively Sorghum millet provides additional fibre which gives you the chance to reduce weight with the help of satiety and the less calories you consume.

Enhances Bone Health

Sorghum is high in mineral content, such as magnesium, as such it can contribute to giving you stronger, and healthier bones. 

Controls Blood Sugar Levels

It is important to keep your blood sugar level in control, the complex carbohydrates in sorghum are digested slowly by your body, which prevents spikes in blood sugar.

Final Thoughts

Sorghum millet benefits at first glance are limitless, and that is not so far from the truth. It can be useful in virtually everything, whether it is your health, whether it is to cook food, ferment drinks, experimenting new recipes or if you just want to have these benefits in a gluten-free option, the ‘King of Millets’ offers something for everyone. 

Discover the benefits of sorghum millet today with Organic Zing, and let this ancient grain take your meals and well-being to another level.